FREE PDF HANDOUT Click on this free downloadable handout about Amino Acids to download the PDF to your computer or phone for future reference. DOWNLOAD HANDOUT ...
By Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND Some healthcare providers are working in underperforming facilities, and they need to discuss how to improve outcomes before it becomes a matter of legal record. “I didn’t have any special training in wounds. No one else wanted to do it, so I said okay.” “The weekends were really bad. We only had ...
By Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND Patients often sue for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the medical care rendered, but rather for the human care that is perceived as lacking. The last few weeks were very difficult for my family and friends in the medical sense. I had one family member in an ...
One Hundred 100-Calorie Snack Ideas (All items listed are approximately 100 + 20 calories) Almonds, 3 Tbsp.Apple (raw), 1 mediumApplesauce, 1/2 cupApricots (canned), 6 halvesApricots (dried), 10 halvesApricots (raw), 6 mediumBaked potato chips, 1 ounceBaked tortilla chips (1/2 ounce) and Hummus (2 Tbsp.)Baked tortilla chips (3/4 ounce) and Salsa (1/4 cup)Baked tortilla chips, 1 ounceBanana (raw), 1 mediumBell pepper (1 ...
Free PDF Handout Click on this free downloadable handout about Diabetic Foot Ulcers to download the PDF to your computer or phone for future reference. Download Handout ...
By Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND The use of targeted amino acids is becoming more common as a strategy to help heal a variety of conditions, including wounds, because of the role key amino acids have in rebuilding tissue. Chronic wounds, meaning those that have not healed in 12 weeks, affect approximately 6.5 million patients in the United ...
By Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND Every minute counts when a patient chokes, so you must react confidently and have a plan in place to handle this emergency situation. John Quiñones stars in the ABC television show What Would You Do? ( The program features actors cast in scenes of conflict or illegal activity in public settings, while ...
Join yoga instructor and physical therapist Wendy Verga for a 13-minute seated yoga practice to get the blood flowing. ...
Your Patient Died: Should You Send the Family a Card? By Nancy Collins, PhD, RDN, LD, NWCC, FAND Bereavement care is part of the job, no matter how difficult it is to talk about death and deal with grieving family members. “Callous disregard.” These two little emotionally loaded words are how the plaintiff complaint summed up the following story from ...
Join yoga instructor and physical therapist Wendy Verga for a 15 minute session to get your neck and shoulders moving. You will need a wall, and a yoga strap, which can be a scarf, a tie or a bathrobe belt. ...